Translated by Phan LY

I. Overview of the History of the twentieth century

History is scientific research in social activities of the human community in the past. So the success factor of History is the accurate perception where communities originated from, what is their formation process and how they present at the time and place that the historic events takes place. Thus, indirectly, in the beginning, the goal of History coincides with the objectives of Anthropology. To be more exact, of history depends on, or benefits from the research results of Anthropology.
In the XX century, Anthropology innovated a measurement method comparing cranial morphology (metric) to determine the forms of people who have ever lived on Earth at the same time reinforcing the age of the skull to understand human origins. From the results of the study have appeared two hypotheses. African hypothesis (out of Africa hypothesis) identified Africa as the hometown of humans and many regional theories (The multiregional hypothesis) that humans are born from many different regions: Africa for the blacks, Europe gave birth to whites, Southwest Asia for the Arian, and Asia was the hometown of the Mongoloid.
For nearly a century, two conflicting hypotheses were inconclusive. But in the 70s, by the discovery of Neanderthal remains which were very similar to modern Europeans, Multi-origin theory prevailed, governs the world of Anthropology.
In general, with Europe, the issue is quite simple but humanity topic in East Asia is a particularly complex story.
In 1920s, there were important archaeological discoveries in China. It was the Swedish mining engineer Anderson who detected Yangshao (Nhưỡng Thiều) culture 7,000 years ago, whose owners were very close to the modern Chinese. Followed by the Zhoukoudian sites near Beijing,  a Homo erectus was discovered aged about 600,000 years old, its upper soil layer was the remains of modern Homo sapiens aged 27,000 years ago. These discoveries have become evidence to convince the scientific community to believe that modern humans, Homo sapiens appeared in Tibet, migrated to China and from there spread to the whole of Asia.
Combining ancient Chinese scriptures and scientific discoveries, international and Chinese scholars concluded that Peking Man was the ancestor of the Chinese people. Central Plains of the Yellow River was also the originating place of the Chinese nation. From  here, the Huaxia human and culture spread southward. Besides the European central concept: human civilization originated from the West, the China central concept appeared: China is the center of human formation and Eastern culture.
We can say, Anthropology and Modern History of Vietnam was born in the atmosphere of these two notions. After nearly half a century of occupation of Indochina, with the intention of long term domination of this land and upon gaining little more knowledge about the Orient, the French established the ancient Far East Institute in Hanoi in 1898. On the field of humanities, the Sinologist such as Maspero, Aurousseau ... kept the leading role. Therefore, both Vietnamese Anthropology and History was formed on the two sources of ancient Chinese scripture and the humanitarian discoveries of the Western scholars. While the West’s knowledge about the East was still very limited, the study of Ancient Far East as torchlight shining from the land of darkness and mystery, revelation to the international scientific community.
With Vietnameses, scholars of Ancient Far East said that, Melanesien were the oldest residents of Indochina. Around 2000 BC, Indonesien people from India spilled into, destroyed or pushed out the native Melanesien to Southeast Asian islands. Finally, around the year 333 BC, by the Chu (Sở) killing the Viet, the Vietnameses from South Yangtze ran down to North Vietnam, making up the Vietnamese population today. [1]
From such identification has formed common notion that Vietnam is the assimilation of the Chinese people from BC and continued for more than thousand years under Northern Ruling (Bắc Thuộc). Naturally, the Vietnamese culture is the assimilation of Chinese culture. Not only in the many traditions and habits, the most evident is the Vietnamese language which borrowed about 70% of the Chinese language, and that Chinese characters became the national language of Vietnam. Such notions about the origins, history and culture of Vietnam has been the light for all historical research culture in the twentieth century Vietnam.

II. Factors giving birth to new school of History

However, in reality, that's not the only color of the oriental humanities painting. People still see on this general background some contrasts with bright spots.
In the late nineteenth century, in Paris, Colonel Frey, H, (1847-1932) published three books related to Vietnam's language:
1.  L'Annamite, mère des langues; communauté d'origine des races celtiques, sémitiques, soudanaises et de l'Indo-Chine, Paris, 1892, 248p. (Vietnamese, mother of the language; the community of origin of the Celtic race, Israel, Sudan and Indochina);
2. Annamites et extréme occidentaux, recherche sur l'origine des langues, Paris Hachette, 1894, 272 p. (An Nam and the Far West, the study of the origin of language)
and 3. Les Egyptiens préhistoriques identifiés avec les Annamites, d'aprés les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques Paris, Hachette, 1905, 106 p.  (The Egyptians prehistoric contact Annam through hieroglyphic inscriptions).
As a French officer worked in West Africa and then Indochina, the author had recognized the close connection between the Indochina language and the spoken languages of African aboriginal peoples, together with Celtic, Semitic and Soudan. It was he who felt the African origin of language of Vietnam. At the same time he also discovered, the spoken language of Vietnam had the leading role in the East. Since then he asserted, Vietnamese is the mother of the languages.
Unfortunately, the lonely voice of this man alone can not combat a rising trend of large reputable scholars.
- 1923, French archaeologists Madeleine Colani discovered huge amount of human remains and stone tools in a limestone cave in Hoa Binh province, dating back 22,000 to 2,000 years BC. Then  it was also realised that a lot of places in Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sumatra, Japan, Taiwan, Australia ... have tools similarly created with same techniques.
Hoa Binh culture has a great scientific significance in two respects:
a. Marked the transition from civilization of Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) to to the New Stone Age (Neolithic) at an early time: 22,000 BC. Whereas, with classic knowledge, in the West, the Neolithic civilization only appeared around 10,000 years ago. This shows that the oriental civilization progressed before the West more than a dozen millennia. This denies the Europe Central theory.
b. Extensive coverage of the Hoa Binh cultural shows that it was central to the rises of Neolithic cultures. This speaks the important role of Vietnam in the oriental civilization. China Central theory is therefore suspected.
In January 1932, the Conference of the International Archaeological History of the Far East in Hanoi confirmed: "Culture of Hoa Binh is central to the invention of agriculture and agricultural production and livestock production in the world. Hoa Binh agricultural Center appeared before the  Mesopotamia 3,000 years ago. " (Encyclopedia d'Archeologie).
From 1933 to 1937, there was debate among linguists Poland Pzrilusky with Maspero academicians on the origins of Vietnamese language. While Pzrilusky agreed with Frey that Vietnamese is the root of oriental languages, Maspero ​strongly opposed, keeping his views: 70% of Vietnamese language was borrowed from the Chinese. Finally, Maspero won. Here, the winner was not due to scientific truth but due to the status of the debators.
In 1952, a continuation of the conference thought about Far Eastern History, American scholar C. Sauer asserted: “On the cradle of the first agriculture, I would say that it is in Southeast Asia. This place gathers full of various conditions necessary for physical physics, organic chemistry, mild climate with two monsoon seasons, with the cycle of the wet season and the dry season, river convenient for fishing. This land is the central place to both sea and road of the Old World. Nowhere is better than this location that provides enough elements for the development of civilization, mixing both agricultural and fishery. "
"It is true that agriculture has evolved through two phases where the first phase was the culture of Hoa Binh. Paddy was planted along with taro." "I've proven Southeast Asia is the cradle of the oldest agriculture. And I proved that agricultural culture originated with fishing with nets in this country. I also proved that the most ancient animals originated from Southeast Asia, and this is an important center of the world of cultivation techniques and domesticated plant by plant reproduction. "[2 ]
 Not only that, more and more scholars as A.G. Haudricourt & Louis Hedin (1944), E. Werth (1954), H. Wissmann was quoted (1957), Jacques Barrau (1965, 1974), Solheim (1969), Chester Gorman (1970) ... said that Southeast Asia is the earliest birthplace of the diverse agriculture of humanity.
- 1972 from the archaeological discoveries in Thailand, W.G. Solheim II wrote:
   "I think when we study a lot of evidence in mainland Southeast Asia, we absolutely can discover that the first domesticated crops in the world was done by the habitants of Hoa Binh (Vietnam) in about 10,000 BC ... “
  "That Hoa Binh culture was the indigenous culture not at all influenced by the outside, leading to Bac Son (Vietnam) culture.”
  "That northern and central mainland Southeast Asia has the progressive cultures in which there was development of the first polished stone tools in Asia, if not the world's first and ceramics was invented ... “
"Unlike the popular notion that Yangshao culture and Longshan influence southward, I suppose, that the Yangshao and Longshan culutres were brought up from early stages of Hoa binh culture”
  "That not only the first domesticated plants like Mr. Sauer suggested and proved, but also to go further, this culture had provided agricultural ideology for the West. And later some trees were transmitted to India and Africa. and Southeast Asia continued to be an advanced area in the Far East until China replaced this force in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC, about 1500 years BC. " [3]
- Stephen Oppenheimer in 1998 published the book Eden in the East: Southeast Asian Continent sank [4], a book that changed the conception of Southeast Asia's role in world history. From the experience of a pediatrician who detected genetic migratory flow of anemia in children of Southeast Asian islands, connected with archaeological documents, anthropological and decipher ancient legend, he led to the conclusion: Southeast Asia is home to the earliest form of agriculture in the world. From here, the domestic animals, crops and agricultural ideology is transmitted to the West through the worldwide flood.
Harmony with the discovery of the world scholar of Oriental culture, in the 70s the archaeological excavations in the southern Yangtze detected unexpected fact: Many archaeological culture in south China not only were more advanced but also appeared sooner than those of the north. Hieroglyphs were present in Jiahu (Giả Hồ) 9000 years ago. At Liangzhu (Lương Chử), 3300 years BC, hieroglyphs had fully developed, earlier than the Yīnxū (Ân Khư) oracle bone script area 2000 years. Chinese scholars were forced to admit there was a state of Liangzhu which was the oldest in the East, millennia earlier than the Xià Cháo (Nhà Hạ). From then appeared the view that: plain south of the Yangtze was a second mother of the Chinese nation. It was more surprised when scientists discovered the culture of Sanxingdui (Tam Tinh Đôi) in Sichuan region. This fact leads to doubts about the Northen origins of the Chinese culture. It was suggested that the opposite may in fact, is the movement of people and cultures from the South up. [5]
Eventhough many new statements were made, but admittedly, their evidences, especially archaeologically were unstable. The age of the grain found in Thailand Non Nok Tha was younger than the date given by Solheim launched a chill on this trend.
But then drops spilled glass of water.
In late 1998 appeared a shocking events science. Survey Technology for the DNA of living people provided an unprecedented discovery. Genetic Relationship Study of the Chinese population concluded: "The modern Homo sapiens appeared in Africa from 160,000 to 180,000 years ago. Approximately 70,000 years ago, humans from Africa followed the Indian coastal  to Vietnam. After a period of cohabitation here, they emigrated from Vietnam to the islands of Southeast Asia, to India and 40,000 years ago to explore China and from there crossed the  Bering Strait and conquered America ... "[6]
Immediately, many genetics labs around the world tested this study. A few years later, a series of genetic research are published, not only agreed with the findings but also offer more concrete  and accurate results.
Stemming from this fact, there are people who rely on genetic discoveries to write new history book for the East.
Start with the Vietnamese scholar in the Thought team in Australia, included lawyers Cung Dinh Thanh, Professor Nguyen Van Tuan and Dr. Nguyen Duc Hiep. In the posts since 2001, Professor Nguyen Van Tuan introduced the group work of Y.J. Chu, although there were limitations on the number of specimens, but was a very significant discovery in the survey process of Vietnamese ethnic formation. In 2003, in Sydney, Cung Dinh Thanh printed book On the Civillisation Origin of Vietnam Under New Light Of Science. With access to the documents on Genetic Relationship of Populations in China by Zhou JY groups and Eden in the East by Stephen Oppenheimer, the  of Cung Dinh Thanh was the first book written in Vietnamese, presented that people migrated from Africa to Southeast Asia and then from there went on to explore China. Therefore, it was also the first book at the same time rejected the notion which was widely acknowledged that people from the southern Tibet invaded China and went to Vietnam, as well as the perception that the Vietnamese population was formed by the Southeast Asian islanders’ intrusion: "the theory of Prof. Nguyen Khac Ngu, as well as Hanoi University professors about Black people in the islands interbred with the Mongoloid people and gave birth to the ancestors of the Vietnamese today, and the theory of French and old Vietnamese academic scholars from “A Complete history of Great Vietnam” (Đại Việt Sử Ký Toàn Thư) to Dao Duy Anh, Tran Trong Kim ... that talk about Vietnameses as descendants of people from the North should be reversed to match the truth."(page 298) It can be said, at that time, the book was the most advanced on the road to our origins.
Since 2004, when approaching the work of J.Y. Chu, we spent the whole time and effort to look for our ethnic origin. From over 10 years of research, the oriental history and culture can be generalised as follows:
1. 70,000 years ago, two seminarians Mongoloid and Australoid followed the coast of India from Africa to Vietnam. Here they mixed blood and gave birth to two strains of the ancient Vietnamese, Indonesian and Melanesian, with the majority of Indonesian (Lac Vietnamese) as leaders of society and language. When the number increases, people from Vietnam migrated to the islands of Southeast Asia, to India and 40,000 years ago, went to China to explore. 30,000 years ago crossed Bering Strait to conquer America.
2. About 20,000 years ago, at The Fairy Cave, Jiangxi (Giang Tây) Province, south of the Yangtze, the Lac Vietnamese first crafted pottery. Then about 12,400 years ago, successfully domesticated rice. At the Jiahu culture in Zhejiang, 9,000 years ago appeared the first hieroglyphic characters. Paddy rice and millet were grown widely in the basin of the Yangtze and Yellow River.
3. Approximately 7,000 years ago, the Vietnamese and the nomadic Mongolians were in contacts in the southern Loess Plateau (Huángtǔ) of the Yellow River (the Mongols also moved north from Vietnam 40,000 years ago, but due to the separated migration to the Mongol land, they kept pure Mongoloid gene, known as the North Mongoloid), this generated new strains of Vietnamese known as Southern Mongoloid. Vietnam Southern Mongoloid people increased the number, became the  owners of the Yellow River basin.
4. Around 3,300 BC, the first state in the east of the Lac Vietnam was established with capital of Liangzhu (Lương Chử) at Tài Hú (Thái Hồ) area, near the boundary coincides with the state of Xích Quỷ. Compared to the legend, it is state of Shen Nong (Thần Nông). Around 2879 BC took place the founding of Xích Quỷ.
5. Around 2698 BC, the Mongols hit Zhuolu (Trác Lộc), occupied the land of the Vietnamese in the the South Yellow River, established state of Yellow Emperior. Defeat, the Vietnamese from the Yellow River basin (Mountain Tai (Thái) - Trong Nguon river) evacuated to the South, bringing about the Mongoloid genetic resources, transforming the Vietnam habitants and Southeast Asia to South Mongoloid.
From 2,000 BC, habitants of Vietnam as well as of Indochina were of the only Southern Mongoloid races including many different ethnicities. Around 500 BC, the Red River delta formed. Ethnic Vietnamese from Indochina and Southern Yangtze gathered and explored new ground. The ethnic of Thai, Tay, He (Hakka) from Zhongyuan (Trung Nguyen) returned with monophonic and voiced sound. Due to a favorable living environment for economic and cultural exchanges, with the acquisition of monophonic voices in the Red River delta formed new ethnic, Kinh. Due to lack of understanding of the origin so this community formerly known as the Vietnamese. Thus, ethnic Kinh is the latest born from the Vietnamese community.
6. In South Yellow River, Mongolian quit the nomadic lifestyle, studied the agriculture and culture of Vietnam. Because of co-living, Mongolian-Vietnamese hybrid class was born, called itself Huaxia (Hoa Hạ). Due to the small number and underdeveloped culture, the Mongolians were assimilated in culture as well as blood. Having dominating status, the Mongols made the community speak in Mongolian way (object first, subject follows)
7. For a long period, the Huaxia dynasties occupied only a small portion of land in the Central Plains of Yellow River and always in wars with foreign countries or Vietnam surrounding tribes. Southern Yangtze was purely land of Vietnam. 2,200 years BC, the state of Xich Quy decayed, formed the Nations belonging to Vietnameses: Yue (Việt), Wu (Ngô), Chu (Sở)
8. At the end of the Warring States Period, the Qin Dynasty, a nation of Vietnam, killed 6 nations, founded the Qin empire. When the Zhou died out, the Huaxia ended leadership roles. On the other hand, to this moment, the Huaxia was also assimilated to soak in the Vietnamese community. Liu Bang belonged to Chu (Sở) so the Han founded by him was also a nation of the Vietnamese. should establish national as well as from Vietnam. However, because of the prestige of ancient Huaxia, not only the emperor Liu Bang called himself Huaxia but also other emperiors called themselves Huaxia
9. Since the end of the Han Dynasty and followed to the latter, the nomadic tribes in the Northwest continued to intruded, and long dominated the Chinese such as Yuan, Qing so many North Mongoloid intermixed with local people. But most of the indigenous people were assimilated into Southern Mongoloid, known as Han.
10. Because the Chinese population was formed on the Vietnamese background, the Vietnamese language was the main source of Chinese language creation. The Chinese language is the Vietnamese language spoken in Mongolian style (Mongol parlance).
11. For us, finding the origin of Chinese writing was a big challenge. History books show that, to the middle of Shang Dynasty (Nhà Thương), the Huaxia dynasties had no letters. But when Pangeng (Bàn Canh) occupied Anyang (An Dương) from Anyang Yue (Dương Việt) people in Henan (Hà Nam), established the Yīn (Nhà Ân) (about 1300 BC), the oracle bone script  (Qi Wen/ Giáp Cốt Văn) hieroglyphs of Yīnxū (Ân Khư) appeared, in mature form. How did this happen?
Although hieroglyphics were discovered in Jiahu (Zhejiang) culture 9,000 years ago, Banpo (Bán Pha) (Shanxi) 6,000 years ago, Liangzhu (Lương Chử) over 5,000 years ago, but Western scholars did not admit. Fortunately, by the end of 2011, at the sites of Cảm Tang, Guangxi, while unearthing the esplanade of the Lac Vietnam, thousands of pieces of stone carving hieroglyphics shovel found. Like drops of water that broke the glass, thousands line itself (the word used for divination and sacrifice) on the pieces of stones in Cảm Tang, Guangxi 6,000 years ago affirmed that Lac Viet people created the hieroglyphics carved in stone, bibs turtle, animal bones and then put up in Henan. When occupied Anyang, the Huaxia has taken this language and develop it. Thus, it can be affirmed that the Vietnamese language is subject to create Chinese writing
12. A more difficult question: where was the rice first grown? Eventhough with the firm conviction that Southeast Asia is home to the millet and rice, but because of the lack of archaeological evidence, we can not make the claim. Fortunately, in 2012, archaeologists discovered in The Fairy Cave of Jiangxi Province together with a 20,000 year old ceramic piece was a rice grain planted 12,400 years old. This confirms the Lac Vietnamese was the earliest domesticated of rice in the world. [7]
In the province of East Asia, the Vietnamese have innovative agricultural culture which is typical brilliant concept of Yin and Yang, Five Elements, iChing, Shī Jīng (Kinh Thi), rich voice, rich expressive hieroglyphs ..
But ironically, the population that gave birth to and created the ethnic and culture of spectacular Oritental has unfortunate fate. Loss of land, loss of people, loss of culture, loss of writing ... Vietnamese people for thousands of years been regarded as the loss people, live as a servant under the shadow of China!
Now, thanks to the light of human science, our nation rediscover our roots, culture, and history. Hope new knowledge will make the Vietnamese continually rounding glorious mission to lead humanity in a new era for worthy ancestor.
The idea was we presented in hundreds of articles and five books: Find the roots of Vietnamese culture (Literature Publishing House, 2006), Journey to find the source (Literature Publishing House, 2008), Find through genetic origin (literature Publishing House, 2011), Rewriting the history of China (SG Publishing, Amazon released) and process the cultural history of Vietnam (SG publishers, Amazon released).
It can be affirmed, works above the opening for the new and true history book of the East.

III. The fate of the non-DNA History

When proven that people immigrated from the South, a century of history based on the theory of “People immigrated from the North” fail.
One truth is revealed: Anthropology is the natural sciences therefore finding human origin need not only a right methodology but also a suitable technology. The most effective technologies that are innovative science in the last century as skull measuring (metric): measuring the skulls as indicators of vertical, horizontal, width fovea, buoyancy of coronary eyebrow, incline or facade ... then from the ratio between them the arrangement of the human species are made. This technology meets two obstacles. First is the ancient skull pattern often discovered by accident, so the research we can not proceed systematically. On the other hand, the number of specimens found often very little. So the statistical accuracy is not high.
Technology taken to measure the skull although bring the initial discoveries of humanity: Humankind has three primary elements Australoid, Mongoloid and Europid ... but the categorizing of people at lower taxonomic rank (seminarians/ races) is difficult and inaccurate.
Anthropology failure of the twentieth century led to a failure of History.
So far many historians studied the Vietnamese, Chinese, Cham, Khmer ... while not knowing how these communities originated and had relationships with each other, therefore there is lack of proper understanding. A science which the subjects studied are not identified, they may assert, its results are only temporary
There are two reasons to assert Oriental History twentieth century is only temporary results:
1. Humans or a human race appearance on the ground is a process. But due to the unknown process the human studies have ignored prehistory to study it from 2000 years ago, and based on the written word. When the roots are not known, the tops are unfounded.
2. Also by unidentified origin and formation process of every race, researches that are based on the shape, material and stone axes, carved motifs on pottery and language ... are just the indirect evidence, does not reflect the truth.
Just as identified by American anthropologist Jared Diamond: "Now is not the time to play with the bones and stones again. What belongs to human but not certified by genetics are not reliable. "
Thus, we can conclude: basically, Oriental History in the twentieth century does not reflect what actually occurred in the past. It is the failure of history, has been denied by historical facts.
However, the fact is, the history that had died in both body and soul, like a ghost continues to disseminate its obscurantism:
In 2005, replying to BBC Vietnamese, Professor Tran Quoc Vuong said: "The general view of Vietnam is to recognize the ‘polycentric' theory. Accordingly, there is no one center in the world, from which farming is transmitted to other areas. The ancient residents of North China, which planted millet, sorghum and barley later. And the inhabitants of Southeast Asia grew rice following the flooding season. "[8]
In The Origins of Vietnamese-Muong, author Tạ Đức, concretize the ideas of Aurousseau, said that the Lava people migrated from China, making Vietnamese people and culture of Phung Nguyen. [9]
Ta Chi Dai Truong and American scholars such as K Taylor, L. Kelley said that Xich Quy state never existed and the Hung Vuong of the Vietnamese and  Thai ... were different strains!
On behalf of historians, Prof. Le Van Lan came to the Congress Forum and declared: “History of  Vietnam only began in 700 BC, when Van Lang State was born. Thus the Preamble of the Constitution of 1992 stated: "The country of Vietnam experienced thousands of years of history" instead of "Over four thousand years of history, ..." as the Constitution in 1980 (!)
   Saigon, June, 2016
1. Aurousseau Léonard, "An Investigation of Southern cultural roots". Translation of Hong Nhan Pham Quynh. Nam Phong magazine No. 84, May 6-1924, tr.480. The lead according Cao Dung: Vietnam Country. (Http://www.mevietnam.org/NguonGoc/ctd-tennuocvietnam.html)
2. Carl Sauer. Agricultural Origins and Dispersals, The American Geographical Society, New York, 1952
3. Wilhelm G. Solheim II. New Light on Forgotten Past. National Geographic, Vol. 139, No. 3, Mar.1971.
4. Stephen Oppenheimer. Eden in the East: the drowned continent of Southeast Asia. https://www.amazon.com/Eden-East-Drowned-Continent-Southeast/dp/0753806797
Ha Van Thuy 5.. Rewriting the history of China. SG Publisher. http://www.amazon.com/Viet-Lai-Lich-Trung-Vietnamese/dp/1500462675/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1407022568&sr=1-1&keywords=ha+van+thuy
6. J. Y. Zhou et al. Genetic relationship of Populations in China
7.Xianrendong http://archaeology.about.com/od/xterms/qt/Xianrendong.htm
8. Listen to the interview 20 minutes with GS. Tran Quoc Vuong: http://www.bbc.co.uk/vietnamese/programmes/story/2005/03/interviewweek112005.shtml
9. Ta Duc. Vietnamese origin - Muong. Knowledge Publishing House 2013