Hà Văn Thùy

Japan History is the disputes between the opposed concept about Japanese origin. coverage those debates is a other dispute, more intense between Korean and Japanese. Base upon certain similarity about heredity and language, the Korean said their ancestor have dominate Japan and the Japanese to say, their ancertor occupy Korea, to slavery and bring Korean go to Japan. Based on paranoiac fable is sun goddess's descendent, Japanese, with ethnic superiority complex giblets, have caused the pain, not only for Korea but also for many East Asian ethnic other. Today, Japan and South Korea are the two dynamic economic in areas because this the relationship between strength nationals has great impact to the stability of Asia. Therefore, the clarify the Japan origin by means of the special.
1. Overview of history, language, and genetic of Japanese

From the Chinese ancient historic, from the Japan, Korea chronicle, from archeology, linguists and genetic researchs in the latest, the whole picture of history Japan are described as follows:
At the glacier, sea level is lower than today over 100 meters. Have the land bridge connected the islands of Japan together and with the land, with 110 miles to South Korea, 190 miles to 480 miles to Russia and China. Animals and people have to follow the bridge go to Japan. Around 30,000 years ago, Japan has been the living. About 13,000 years ago, melting ice, sea level by offering today. The islands of Japan to isolate and separate the land from Asia. But also by changes that living conditions in Japan become favorable climate than warm, annual precipitation greater focus in the summer cause the forest luxuriate, many fruits, such as pecan, chestnut and stimulating food source is abundant, the reserve over the winter. Blockade around the island is shallow sea, many shrimp, fish, the oyster, the bivalve.
Antiquary find at Jomon 12.700 year old, ashore northern Kyushu, a island of Japan antarctic, pottery with rope pix, is called Jomon pottery. Jomon also used laying for Japanese ancient pottery. Examine hundreds remains of Jomon person , antiquary consider they is ones hunting- pick and domiciliation living, fishing by plex, is shot confess by arc and greycing. They is also identified 64 kind of edible plant in Jomon People's garbage. In this food there is no clear discrimination between crops and wild plants. This shows that in the Jomon does not clear the crop domesticity. About 1000 BC to the end of Jomon period, a few grains of rice, buckwheat and millet are the main cereals of East Asia, began to appear.
The vague clue consider that Jomon people are starting cultivation, but clearly they also not as a professional, thus their cultivation product only contribute support to ration their. They predicted that the highest stage, the number of Japanese Jomon has about 250,000 people. it be a miniature cosmo. The changes over 10, 000 years to less surprised.

Around the IV century BC, an important event occurred in Japan, it is the people coming from Korea, to bring new life style appear on the northern coast of Kyushu island across the channel sea South Korea. First found in Japan the metal tool, iron, and agriculture large scale.
It is agricultural with rice fields are watered, the canals, dam water, the dikes, paddy rice and the rest of the rice discovered by archeologist. The archeologist called lifestyle is Yayoi, after a district of Tokyo in 1884 it was discovered pottery featured first. Unlike Jomon ceramics, ceramics Yayoi pottery very similar with South Korea about the shape.
Many factors of new Yayoi culture can not mistaken is from Korea and previously foreign to Japan, including the bronze tool, the weave products, the glass grains, and the type of tools and house. While the rice plant is most important, Yayoi farmers introduced 27 new items to Japan and the domesticated pig.
They might farmed is bivoltine that, with piece of as ricefield asperse in order to who plant rice in summer, then withdrawn water to grow millet, rye, and winter wheat. Actually, the system of agricultural cultivation effective this promote the population explosion in Kyushu immediately. Several centuries later found to appear the first signs of levels of society, reflected particularly clearly in the cemetery.
After about 100 BC, the special part of many cemetery own the site for a high class, with fancy goods imported from China, as jade and beautiful brass mirror. The Yayoi population explosion occurred, and the domain suitable for planting rice expanded. Archeologist evidence suggests that war becomes more and more frequently: The production of the more arrows, village defense line , and the bones were buried with the arrow through. The traces of war in Yayoi Japan such was certified early in the chronicle of China, in which description of Wa (Japanese) and hundreds of small political units and it struggle together.
In the period from 300 to 700 years after era, the archeology and the chronicle record dubiously vague image of a Japan with political unique then. Before century III, the tomb of aristocracy are small and the many types of areas diverse highly. Start the III century, more and more of the vast land tomb called kofun, in the shape of the keyholes, built around the former area Yayoi from Kyushu to North Honshu. Kofun are to 1. 500 feet long and over 100 feet high, making them become the land tombs maybe the biggest in the world.
Great number of workers have been mobilized to build them and the same designs on them throughout Japan implies that the powerful government has mobilized a work force to a large, well that have the incorporation politics. The exhumation kofun contained the burial waste , but was not the biggest because they are consider to contain the ancestry of the Japanese king. Clear evidence of the political focus that kofun provided, strengthening the material on the Japan emperors about tense Kofun written many years later in Japan and Korea chronicles.
Finally, with the completed first chronicle in 712 years, has brought to Japan in light of the full history. Since 712, the people living in Japan is Japanese person and their language (called the Japanese) is a natural source of modern Japanese.
Emperor Akihito, who reigns today, is the eighty-second direct descendant of the emperor under whom that first chronicle of A.D. 712 was written. He is traditionally considered the 125th direct descendant of the legendary first emperor, Jimmu, the great-great-great-grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu. In the Yayoi time, Japan population to increase to 70 times, a rate is amazing. (1)
Survey of Japanese bones, ancient ethnography described as follows:
Jomon and Yayoi skeletons, researchers find, are on the average readily distinguishable. Jomon people tended to be shorter, with relatively longer forearms and lower legs, more wide-set eyes, shorter and wider faces, and much more pronounced facial topography, with strikingly raised browridges, noses, and nose bridges. Yayoi people averaged an inch or two taller, with close-set eyes, high and narrow faces, and flat browridges and noses. Some skeletons of the Yayoi period were still Jomon-like in appearance, but that is to be expected by almost any theory of the Jomon-Yayoi transition. By the time of the kofun period, all Japanese skeletons except those of the Ainu form a homogeneous group, resembling modern Japanese and Koreans. (1)
A Japan panorama's essential point is features about language:. Everybody agree that Japanese without relation is close with any other language in the world. Most school consider it is a member is sequestered of Asiatic language family Altaic, there is Turkic language, mongol, and Tungusic
Korean is also often considered as an isolated member of this family, and in family, Japanese and Korean can be closer together than the other Altaic languages. However, the similarity between the Japanese and Korean is shown by the characteristics of general grammar and it is about 15% of the basic vocabulary. The language research suggests that Japanese and Korean divide at least 4, 000 years ago. The Ainu language, the origin of it caused the suspect might not have any relationship to any special Japanese. (1)
Japanese origin as more complicated by the presence in Japan the culture hunter-gatherers called Ainu. Now Ainu survive only on the northern island of Hokkaido, but a few centuries ago they are a component of a residential island of Honshu. Ainu is different from Japanese in more flash and polytrichous somatic complexion place. They is often call " shaggy Ainu
To resolve the question genetics, the researchers surveyed the presence of a particular gene on the Y-chromosome, called Y Alu - polymorphic element (YAP). It developed in a history relatively recent and not all male have this gen. Michael Hammer at the University of Arizona in Tucson and Satoshi Horai Institute genetics Japan National research by the event gen YAP in the Asian population. They found gene YAP does not in men of South Korea or Taiwan. It's only in men of Japan and is only distributed in the special area. Gene YAP appears only in the Ainu people living north and south of Japan. In central Japan, gene YAP not. This suggests that gene YAP has developed in Jomon then pass to Yayoi because mixed blood.
Hammer and Horai study the distribution of othe gene on the Y-chromosome. In case 2, the men in South Korea owns this gene and it also often found in Central Japan. Conclusions from the research is a blend of Jomon and Yayoi in extreme south (Okinawa) and extreme north but not at the center of Japan.
Nei Masatoshi of Pennsylvania State University survey of the genetic changes in Asian men. He found a small event in the Mongolia, but up to 50% in men Tibet. This suggests that genes have developed in North Asia and was brought by the ancestry of Japanese and Korean to the Korean peninsula and by the ancestry of the Tibetan people from North Asia to the Tibetan plateau .
This is probably the first evidence about Tibet is the descendent’s migration from north Asia. Evidence only appear that most Japanese are the descendent of the Yayoi is mixed with Jomon in extreme north and extreme south. (2).
II. The current concept

There are many hypotheses of Japanese origin. Below for a summary of the concept.
First hypothesis: from hunter-gatherers Jomon gradually evolve into modern Japanese. The stability they live in the village throughout thousands of years, they may have to adapt to accept agriculture. At the transition Yayoi, Jomon society may not receive anything more than the chilly seeds of rice and experience sprinkling of South Korea, allowing production of more food and increase the number. This theory attractive many modern Japanese because it reduce the maximum contribution is not welcome of Korean gene in Japanese gene capital, while draw portraits Japanese traditional as genuine race at least 12, 000 years.
Second hypothesis: that the Yayoi transition show a mass exodus of immigrants from South Korea, providing Korean experience in cultivation, culture, and genetic resources. According to one estimate, Yayoi Japan received several million immigrants from South Korea, completely bury genetic contribution of Jomon people (guess there are about 75,000 people before the Yayoi transition). Like that, modern Japanese is descendent of Korea importees, developers of cultural ground own in 2.000 year returnned to here. Many Western authors and South Korea support this hypotheses.
Third hypothesis: acceptable evidence of immigration from South Korea but is not a series of immigration. Instead, agricultural efficiency may allow a farmer growing rice immigration modestly, producing more, faster than the hunter-gatherers Jomon and gradually outnumber them. As well as the second Hypothese, this theory considers the Japanese suffered the weak effects from Korea but exclude immigration large scale.
Also 2 other hypotheses:

Superiority complex about their orignation , Japanese bearing pressure that they have cultural and other genes, received from the Ainu live on the extreme northern island Hokkaido.

One theory is also widely supported, Japanese inheritance is from the tourism, horse riding from Asia, come through Korea, but not Korean, has won Japan in centuries IV BC.

III the concept of our

1. Of the Jomon

As part of the geo-culture of East Asia, the appear of Japanese ancestry can not be separated from the formation progress of East Asian populations. We summarize this process as follows:
Homo sapiens with two big race Australoid and Mongoloid from Africa according to coast Southern Asia to Vietnam 70,000 years ago. They mixed blood for the four races the ancient Vietnamese: Indonesian, Melanesian, Vedoid and Negritoid. Thanks to the living conditions favorable, the number increased rapidly, spread throughout the continent South East Asia. Around 40,000 years ago less cold climate, they from Indochina to explore China and then to Siberia, then overcome Beringa to American. (3)

In China, because live dispersed in the terrain and climate are different, the ancient Vietnamese divided into more than 20 local groups, history is called Bach Viet.

Japan cold and too far, about 30,000 years ago the ancient Vietnamese appear. They are Jomon people. Would also say a few words about Jomon pottery.
Author Jared Diamond, said that the living conditions favorable the hunter-gatherers Jomon live centralized and creative pottery of bins. This seems to be listening to right but not the one to come true: why 10,000 years during which existing Jomon pottery virtually no change?

If actual be people devises
of the pottery of the bins to make sure that creative inspiration is available, Jomon people will creative pottery many other types, such as the continent has been. This does not happen demonstrated Jomon people passive acceptance pottery of bins from the other. Therefore, we incline toward the other authors, especially Stephen Oppenheimer when he said that Jomon pottery is of the Hoa Binh to take before offering water (4)

2. Of the Yayoi.

10,000 years in existence, because the isolated biological background, the Jomon almost no change. Meanwhile, in the land, there are large variations, not only living methods also about gene. About 5,000 years BC, in the middle Yellow river, Northern Mogoloid exposure and mixed blood with Bai Yue Australoid born the new Southern Mongoloid. Southern Mongoloid people increased number, become owner Yangshao culture (5). Around 2600 BC, the invasion of the Northern Mongoloid place, a part of the Bai Yue used boats evacuated from the Yellow River to Vietnam and islands of Southeast Asia

Southern Mongolod people evacuated mixed blood with local person, born New Mongoloid people of South. This is the Mongoloid populations of South-Eastern Asia.
To 2000 years BC, the majority of residents of Southeast Asian converted to the Southern Mongoloid (6). This event also occurred in China, to 2000 years BC, the residential part of the Chinese is Southern Mongoloid. The Korean situation is the same place.

China century IV BC, Zhou country is disrupt, fall into Country wartime, happen wars is continuous between vassal kingdoms of Zhou state and still independence Bai Yue countries.
War pushed a section Bai Yue called “Easting barbarism” into Korean peninsula and then carry them to Japan.

Evacuation such as torrent winded Korea poor peasant finds new opportunity. It is unlikely that the ability of migrants by this initiative Korea, by that time, Korean people do not yet veritably crowdy and did not have the power to do the migration so large - have predicted up to several million.
Perhaps more appropriate is the " wagon flush" affecting by the population crisis in China. In Japan, the immigrants are called the Yayoi. Make sure that, at this time, in the “East barbarism" as well as the Korean, also exist a ancient Vietnamese types of group Australoid, homogeneous with Jomon.

Therefore, by any means, the Yayoi uniform with Jomon, can have the group also same language. Thus, have basis for that, the migration of the Yayoi is peace immigrants. A natural, Jomon people receiving methods of production as well as gene from the new people to come.

3. Modern Japanese

We believe that most immigration Yayoi people bearing Southern Mongoloid gene. When mixed blood with the Jomon type of group Australoid, was born the New South Mongoloid people, is the ancestor of modern Japanese. Mongoloid gene to be excess, obscure elements of the Jomon Australoid. This leads to the wrong ideas that Jomon people not involved in the formation of modern Japanese. To find the bones is moving from Jomon to Yayoi is convincing evidence.
Such phenomena also seen in Viet Nam, most clearly at remains Man Bac, Ninh Binh (6)

Our hypotheses is resolution of the conflict: Japanese have young genome but language is old? Japanese only born from IV century BC, later than the nations of East Asia other about 2,000 years. Therefore, about genetic, young most in areas. Japanese modern language inherit of the ancient Vietnamese Jomon with the language of the “East barbarism” group immigrate to Japan in IV century BC.

After the Country wartime to Qin, Han, the “East barbarism” become Chinese and the language takes root. While those who evacuated in the year 2400 before still maintains the ancient language in Japan. That may be why today do not see any language in Asia similar to Japanese language and Japanese are their unique ancient language.

Thus, also remove the ability to "Asian people, go horse riding through Korea to Japan." As a nomad, they can not have the skills of agriculture so. Yayoi is the agricultural “East Barbarism”, Shandong (山東) area.
Based on the language and genetic of Korea and Japan, we believe: The first, about 30,000 years ago, Japanese and Korean same genetic code. Who called Jomon not only live in Japan but also in Korea. Here are two possibilities to this: the ancient Vietnamese to Japan and then to Korea according to the bridge connecting with the territory. Can Vietnam people from China to Korea and then to Japan.

Through long time, the two territories to maintain such status. Only after 2600 years BC, with the invasion of Mongolia, the Bai Yue South Mongoloid to the Korea, make changes in both genetic and language. In this time, Korean and Japan are division.

4. Ainu people

Based on looks as well as genetic relationship of the Ainu are presented above, we believe that their origin as follows:

Around 40,000 years ago, people from Eastern Asia to the Tibetan plateau, and then from here to Central Asia and then to Europe. Here they mixed blood with people recent appear in Europe from the Arab peninsula and create Caucasoid people, is the ancestor of modern Europe. Around 15,000 years ago, the group of people from Central Asia back to Tibet. By contact with Europe should have their blood Caucasoid genes. From Tibet they migrated to North East Asia to overcome Beringa to America.(7)

In the journey, some group stopped settled on some islands of extreme north and extreme southern Japan, it is the Ainu people. Due life separated Ainu people only mixed blood with a small people in the north and south Japan, without contributing to the genome of modern Japan. This is cause found no gene Ainu in center of Japan , where the most concentrated population of Japan.


With the presentation, we satisfactorily resolved the issue origin modern Japanese. Speaking satisfaction because of our idea no conflict with the historical data, language, genetic Japanese available. Besides, it is consistent with the formation of East Asian populations.

Satisfaction because it reject the existing long doubtful case as why Japanese are young about biology but have old language. It explains the involvement of factors Korean in the Japanese genetic and language. It also find the truth source of Ainu people, ratings to their own group to exclude the wrong idea considere Ainu are posterity of the Jomon people in oder to from this said the Jomon people have no role in formation modern Japanese.

Such as, along with Korea, China and the nations of East Asia other, who is also Japan's ancestry from Africa to Vietnam 70,000 years ago.

1. Jared Diamond: Japanese Roots. Just who are the Japanese? Where did they come from, and when?
2. The Genetic Origins of the Japanese.
Thayer Watkins Silicon Valley & Tornado Ally USA
3. J.Y. Chu & đồng nghiệp: Genetic relationship of population in China. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 1998 số 95 tr. 11763-11768.
4. Stephen Oppenheimer: Địa đàng ở phương Đông. NXB Lao Động, Hà Nội, 2004.
5. Zhou Jixu: The Rise of Agricultural Civilization in China. SINO-PLATONIC PAPERS Number 175 December, 2006
6. Hà Văn Thùy. Tìm lại cội nguồn và văn hóa Việt. NXB Văn học. H. 2007.
7. Stephen Oppenheimer. Out of Eden Peopling of the World


Hà Văn Thùy

Hung Vuong story is origin legend talked about the origin and the national building of the Vietnamese. Because this many generations of Vietnamese try to decode this fable in order to discover their ancestor. But so far no any answer really convincing and thus, the ancestor and land of Vietnamese in start time is so obscure in the legends. Now in the light of the new discovery of genetics, we have the conditions to consult together again.
Want to decode Hung Vuong legendary, we must first resolve two critical issues: one is to identify the biological origin of Hung Vuong, and two, determine the time and the location of the story takes place.
Story tell that: “De Minh is third grandchild generation of Agricultural Spirit. He borned De Nghi. De Minh patrolling the South, to Ngu Linh, to marry with Vu Tien’s daughter, born King (Kinh Duong Vuong). De Minh establishs De Nghi that make septentrional King, bestowed Kinh for Kinh Duong Vuong, managing the South, called the Xich Quy country. King married with Dong Dinh Quan's daughter named Long Spirit and born Lac Long Quan. Book “Thông giam ngoại kỷ” wrote: De Lai is De Nghi’s son. Lac Long Quan have taboo name is Sung Lam, son of Kinh Duong Vuong. King married with Au Co, a daughter of De Lai, born hundred sons (too called hundred eggs ) is the ancestor of Bach Viet. One day the King sure Au Co that: I am kind of dragon, you are the fairy, fire and water are engraver, very difficult cohabitation."
They is valedictory to each other, division 50 sons that according to mother about mountain, 50 sons according to father about Southern (have copy be about South China Sea), give primogeniture is Hung Vuong made King. Hung Vuong throne, laying country name is Van Lang (this country East to South China Sea, West to Ba Shu, North come to Lake Dongting, South to Champa country." (Dai viet su ky toan thu - Entire book of Great Viet history)

As the excerpt above: Lac Long Quan was the directly grandson of Shennong. Vietnamese people believe that his ancestor is Shennong Acute Empire. But many documents also said Chinese accept Shennong is ancestor of them. The dispute took place thousands of years. Now thanks to new genetic discoveries we can judge this case. 40,000 years ago, the climate improved, people from Southeast Asia rise to exploit the land today called China. Until 4000 BC, people living in South East Asian coastal are up 54% of the population of humanity. Owing to Lac Viet tribe (Indonesian) play a leader role about society and language, Southeast Asia person build glyceria agronomical civilization most developed in the world.

Also this time or later more or less, have groups of Mongoloid from Southeast Asian way to Ba Shu settled in northwestern China, make up Northern Mongoloid race, ancestors of the nomadic tribes in the future. Living conditions have created so they are combative tribes.
Around 5000 BC, in the valley loess of Yellow River have exposure naturally between the nomadic Mongolian and agricultural Bach Viet, born South Mongoloid race. As the hybrid person living in the community Bach Viet, the Southern Mongoloid absorb millet culture of the Bach Viet and the construction of Nguong Thieu (Yangshao) culture. Living in settlement conditions and full of food, the Yangshao people rapid increase. On Chinese land by the descendants of Shennong set management, De Lai the eldest son of De Minh King to north, from the Yellow River to the Yangtze. The second Lac Long Quan kept as part of land from the Yangtze River to the south, called the Xich Quy. Apart from the name with the scope from Ngu Linh back south, west associated with Ba Shu, east to the East Sea, almost no information about what this legend country.

I guess that the name Xich Quy is use for zone near the equator, belong the Demon asteroid's position, located in the South Southwest. That's why there is this position is according De Minh King seated in Shantung region TaiShan mountain, north eastern, belong the position of Co (箕) asteroid.

TaiShan and Source River is the largest center of Bach Viet in ancient China. Looking southwest is the land is divided of Kinh Duong Vuong, belong the Demon asteroid's position. I think that the existence of Xich Quy country is short, from De Minh devide land to the sacrifice of De Lai

This time the nomad Mongol people often violated border. De Lai set in an alliance with his brother Lac Long Quan to resist the Mongols. Around 2600 BC, the Mongols under the command of Hien Vien open the lines of attack, crossing the Yellow River occupied the Bach Viet land. In Trac Loc battle, De Lai death match, Bach Viet forces failed. This could be a fierce battle caused a division of Bach Viet people from the Yellow River basin, or back down to Southern or by boat to the sea, to Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other islands of Southeast Asia.
Southern Mongoloid race in evacuated peoples mixed blood with the indigenous strains Australoid, gradually became the majority in the population of Southeast Asia. During the occupation, the Mongols mixed blood with the natives to create a new class of Southern Mongoloid, gradually became the subject of the Chinese population.

Can assume the following story: Join the campaign battle Trac Loc on the Yellow River, Bach Viet army lead by De Lai (Si Vuu was called), including Lac Long Quan. When De Lai killed, Lac Long Quan led Bach Viet troops with their family by boat under the Yellow River to the sea, swept south. Genealogy of the Hung Temple wrote: The people of Lac Long Quan to reside in Rose Mount, Lam River, then moved to the Viet Tri to construct Van Lang country.

According to archaeological and historical document the groups of Lac Long Quan evacuees return to Vietnam is back homeland. Later, due to the expansion of who invaded, many layers of serial Bach Viet return to Vietnam and Southeast Asia. When these people return to Vietnam, mixed blood with the indigenous people makes most of Vietnamese population became South Mongoloid about 2000 BC

According to legend, Hung Vuong construct Van Lang country on large geographical areas: from the Yangtze River to the Chiem Thanh means most localities of the living Bach Viet. Think about how this legendary Van Lang country? This is a place where people understand different .

Base upon Chinese books say that So Hung Cu make king of So country over many generations the authors wrote: Van Lang country is So country in Kinh Viet area. This theory is too dependent on Chinese books and texts do not fit the story as pushed the Van Lang capital from the Bach Hac to Kinh So area. Not only that, it also shortened history of Van Lang to the Warring States period from about 2600 years to 300 years BC.

We suggest the following scenario:

Should first understand the concept of "country": at the time that country is a collection of various tribes along or close to race, proximity to the language, living in the border open. Such Xich Quy country is allied of Lac Viet tribes living in the Southern Yangtze River, Lac Long Quan as leader. To remember his father was Kinh Duong Vuong, Lac Long Quan took the name of his father set for Kinh land and Duong land. When defeated in Trac Loc, Lac Long Quan flock groups to the sea but because unknown reason, (probably the feel of a war so fierce and prolonged need a firm rear base. May also be because of their expectations about the old homeland?) He did not return to Ngu Linh but under the northeast monsoon landed in Nghe An, then up the Viet Tri. Is this a moved his capital and change national name: the new capital is Bach Hac, Van Lang instead of Xich Quy?

In the old capital Ngu Linh, the descendants of Lac Long Quan still life as the main transmission. Later, due to internal disputes, the Van Lang split up into smaller countries such as Ngo, Viet, So. So country rise powerful, Hung family a line of Lac Long Quan to come to the throne and destroyed Wu, Viet?

This is just a hypothesis but certainty Bach Hac is really early economic and cultural center of the area. Phung Nguyen bronze appeared and developed splendidly with many manship bronze drums. This can only occur in areas densely populated, with strong economies and high culture, also means the state, whether in the simple form have also shown the its effectiveness of the social . The main event proved to Van Lang state exist.

So, can decode Hung Vuong legend as follows:

Lac Long Quan is direct descendants of Shennong Acute Empire, the descendants of the Lac Viet Indonesian from Vietnam to China to stubs the land from 40,000 years ago. Lac Long Quan was a leader of that tribe Bach Viet gathered in the country from the southern Yangtze until Vietnamese center . He moved the capital to Bach Hac and change the national name of Van Lang. While his descendants still dominates the tribal domain Bach Viet’s Kinh Duong .
After the Zhou period, former Xich Quy state torn into many countries such as Ngo, Viet, So... A line of Lac Long Quan, Hung family seized power in the So country. Capital of Van Lang is the center of cultural and economic power in the region.

Saigon 8.2006


Hà Văn Thùy

Newsletter 8. 5. 2009 University of Cambridge on Nature magazine that "The archaeologists discover the tracing of rice grown in China to 12,000 years ago, 2,000 years earlier than region of Fertile Crescent Western Asia.
Published by Professor Matin Jones not new compared to the material before. Besides, it has not yet clarified who is the first men planting rice, as well as the development process of agriculture in this country?
I would like to make their as follows:
1. February in the year 2005, in monograph " Recover ancestral source and cultural root" publishs on and, later printed in book "Centribute with literary forum" (Literature Publisher. Nanoi, 2006), I announces information: "About 70.000 yester-year, prehistoric man embodies two big race Australoid and Mongoloid from Africa according south Asia coastal road migrant to Viet Nam.
Here they mixed blood born four races of the ancient Vietnamese: Indonesian, Melanesian, Negritoid and Vedoid. The ancient Vietnamese spread throughout Indochina and Southeast Asian islands. Around 40,000 years ago, because the climate is improving, they go on exploiting the Chinese mainland and then makes up to America.
In China, distributed by living in many geographic areas are different, the ancient Vietnamese divided into 20 groups, history is called Baiyue. During this time, some the Mongoloid group separately from Indochina going resided in North West China, creating the  Mongolia tribes, the scientific name is Northern Mongoloid.
During the migration, Ancience Viet people bring New stone culture of Hoa Binh to China and then brought plants, animals on agricultural development in China.
About 2600 years BC, the Mongolia overcome Yellow River occupied land of Baiyue, the founded Emperor country. Down South Yellow River, mongoloid people disclaim nomad zoetic, learn millet cultivar, grow aboriginal rice and culture of Vietnamese to build Chinese culture.

2. There are document The Rise of Agricultural Civilization in China publish on Sino-Platonic Papers University of Pennsylvania, No. 175-December 2006, Professor Zhou Jixu writing, in Xianren site, Jiangxi province, and Yuchan in Hunan province, of the Yellow River plain are the two points early planting of rice in China 12,000 year ago.
And millet are grown in the village Bonfo, Shaanxi province 7000 years ago. He also said that about 2300 years BC, when the occupied south Yellow Rver, residents of Yellow Emperor learn to grow millet by local person.
But when of orthodox ground construction owns,  the official chronicles is Thượng Thư, Kinh Thi, Sử ký…only re-recording history of Yellow emperor country with millet grown start from 2300 years BC. So, history of aboriginal person is buried down.

Problem is set, the local people, owner of the agricultural economy in China before Yellow Emperor  who are ? They independently creative agricultural or received from outside?.
Answers the question’s first part in your documents, the author Zhou Jixu said that they are from Southeast Asia. Said South-Eastern Asia that is said Indochina, which is also Vietnam. They are the ancient Vietnamese from Vietnam going as presented in the previous section.
second part: to have agriculture here is creative independence?
The issue is more complex and because no one mentioned previously, I would give my judge. In the document mentioned above, Professor Zhou Jixu said that in the agricultural remains on  China are looking for the agricultural tools such as stone spade, sickle, knife, millstone, millstone-stick, stone hack, bone spade, etc.
Access original of those tools, archeologist confirm they have originated from the Hoa Binh culture. Even Yangshao cultural on the North China, is the soon Hoa Binh cultural raised .
Have a principle: if there is a independent center of agriculture that must have the independent tools for cultivation! The agricultural sites on China to use the tools of Hoa Binh culture demonstrate that they have borrowed these tools from Hoa Binh culture.
A question arose: Hoa Binh people made the tools to do this if not to serve the cultivation? Only can be, they have long since grown rice. From experience cultivation they had create their farm tools. With time, all plants, animals, tools and agriculture ideas from Hoa Binh propagate around.
This event along with the migration direction of the long north of the ancient Vietnamese have made our base conclusions: the cultivation in China is send from the Hoa Binh culture of Vietnam. Thus, although not, do not even find the traces of early rice grown in Vietnam, is also completely based affirmed Vietnam is planting food first in the world.
Now, a question was set: in the two plants as millet, and rice, plant can be tamed before? Perhaps this is the first time this question was set. Before, by detecting millet is grown in the 7000, the rice 12,000 years ago, added to the rice growing area is too big so many people believe that rice was first tamed.
However, in my research, I believe that the millet has been creat firstly by Hoa Binh population and be main food  breed South-Eastern Asia people many thousands of years before the rice is invented.
My hypothesis based on the following evidence:

a. Across the South-Eastern Asia, from the remote past, millet is grown as food additive or supplement for rice in the drought period, and the familiar food of many ethnic people, especially those of the minimum number.

b. Tsuwo and Bunun people, the local residents in Taiwan as well as Banar people in West Highlands Vietnam, in two places away from each other through the wide sea have the same legendary cataclysm with details: when water withdraw of, thanks to "last millet", agriculture be restored, people are saved.
 According to geological history, Cataclysm occurred about 7500 years ago. So at this time, millet is an important food for residents of Southeast Asia. Thank to millet life is rebirth after Cataclysm. This event demonstrated that, at least 500 years before “village grown millet” Bonfo was born, millet has been tamed and familiarize in the area southeast Asia .

c. One factor can not be ignored, which is botanic character: millet a tree is xerophyte, highly capability live  and time grow short, favouriably for the tamed.
From such awareness, we assume the formation scenario of agriculture in Southeast Asia as follows.
About 20,000 years ago, in the Glacier era, most of Earth is close by ice. Sea level less than 130 meters today. South-Eastern Asia have climate warm and dry. Most of the ancient Vietnamese living on the plain Hainanland.
Someday, see yellow foxtail flowers savanas and the birds fly to food grains. Curiously, they get see the seeds inside the testa yellow seeds are the small suitcases. Because the bird is eatable thus person is eatable. This is experience the people learned from nature
They get a lot of grass seeds, take remove outside shell layer. At first they eat raw, feel hungry finis, feel well . They get a lot of  plurinuclear, to bamboo tube, then pour water and inflame on fire , to a pappy substance called frumenty. From this detected, millet tamed become the first food . Many thousands of years, millet is a main food breeding the populations in South-Eastern Asia. . And according to person leg, millet is also send out everywhere southeast Asia
To that time, people found a different type of tree,  rise to become crowd, have larger seeds and the birds eat seeds. From experience, they collect seeds as food and then gradually tamed into tree planting dry food. Rice is appended to ration but millet as remain is main food.
Around 15,000 years ago, glacier melting, sea offering higher, more rain. South-Eastern Asia become hot and humid. Many areas are flooding. Area millet are narrow, threatening human life. Notice some rice rise well in shallow water, they begin care of rice and gradually water rice was born.
Rice with the productivity and high nutrition quality, improves human life. From here, the residents of Hoa Binh bring millet, rice and dry-rice to the surrounding area and northern with New stone tool, around 12,000 years ago to Xianren, Jiangxi  province and the  Hunan province. 3000 year to rice from Hoa Binh to Yangtze valley is not a very long time.
To the north time of rice is late. At latitude 35 south Yellow River, because the weather is too dry, rice was not living, residents here to switch to professional farming millet, creating the millet culture growing in the village of Bonfo 7000 years ago. Owner Bonfo village is Southern Mongoloid race,  the result of the natural hybrid between Baiyue Australoid and Northern Mongoloid.
Year 1924, when archeologist found Yangshao culture with Bonfo millet village and bones of Southern Mongoloid people, congener with Chinese people nowadays, the scientists said, Chinese is the owner of Yangshao cultural.
But now, the evidence of paleoanthropology, genetics and history shows that Chinese though also belong Southern Mongoloid race but was born in 2600BC should not be the owner of cultures appear before than its 2500 year.
 Cambridge university's item of news write: "Until now, however, no evidence has emerged of such methods spreading from China to the West.”
Yes, archeologist not find the relationship between agriculture in China and Western Asia. So affordable two are two areas where agriculture developed independently? Absolutely not. In the work Eden in the East, Professor Stephen Oppenheimer demonstrating the agricultural relationship between Eastern Asia and Western Asia is clear but not from China, but from South-Eastern Asia.
In cataclysm above, the South-Eastern Asia people evacuated by boat has brought plant seeds, animal husbandry and agriculture thought to the West. Thus, as well as the Crescent Fertile Region, China receive agriculture from Southeast Asia.

- 40,000 years ago, when climate improved, Europid from the Middle East over the Bosporus channel migrants into Europe. Here they encountered a large Vietnamese Australoid from Central Asia also has to. Two lines mixed blood born ancestor of Europian that the blood flow in Asia remarkable.

- 10,000 years ago, the glacier melt, European leaving the life of hunter-gathered for raising the first sheep, goat, in Eastern Asia, the Vietnamese population have divelopment agriculture. Not just creative food raising the living human, the ancient Vietnamese also left people thought agriculture great.

When a great deal to People will make great power. Viet Nho with Nhân chủ, Thai Hoa, Tâm linh; with the concept of universal harmony in the “Tham Thiên lưỡng Địa” is not the cabbala in order to deliverance human during the current difficulties. Not causeless which create and go to the East before the West thousands of years. Main  the cultural sediment in the Eastern is a spirit of assets and invaluable wisdom for humanity today. Recovered and exploit the cultural source be return righteousness for history!